Joie de Vivre. The joy of living.

Joy can be defined as great pleasure and happiness. Arguably one of the greatest emotions one can feel. A sense of peace, A sense of self is ever present when feeling joy.

However, we live in a complex world with many moving parts, it has become commonplace at one point or another where someone has stolen our joy. Yet, was it truly “them” who stole it? Certainly we all have life experiences where someone has done wrong to you. Wronged you in ways that left you in despair. By people who you never imagined would do such horrid things. However, the real tragedy of it all, is allowing these life moments to define you, become you and live inside of you.

Is it wise to allow these less desirable life events to steal your joy? Rob you of your present and your future self? Take from you what you are destined to be? What gifts resonate inside of you are now diminished over some jerk and their actions?

A mindshift is needed here. We are the CEO’s of our life, our destiny. Simply put, you go after the life you want, or settle for the one you get. Think of some of the most joyous moments of your life. For many that is getting married, having children, or an illustrious career. It can be more simplistic than that. Perhaps that great Saturday on a boat with your loved one. Where the weather was perfect, that picnic you packed fabulous and the champagne that you still speak about days later. Moments that are curated and embedded in your mind for years to come. Who would not love to live in those moments and mindsets?

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