Ferme La Bouche!

We all know a know it all. The one who has been there, done that. Who truly is doing nothing…but talking and encroaching your space that is! The parent, sibling, friend, even stranger who is usually well intentioned, inserts themselves and opinions upon you. Unsolicited and unwarranted. These times often create conflict, unspoken resentment and hatred. “I would have parented my child this way in that instance” “I would leave his behind if he ever did that to me” “You should be doing_____insert any and everything here.”

Meanwhile these folks are critics with no credentials. Folks who are not operating on a level you want to be on. Chatter and head trash that is persistent on a vibration they want to be on. That is exactly the problem though, isn’t it. It’s their truth. Their choices. Their life. Their energy. Their path.

While advice can be helpful when asked for, it’s the folks who always need to insert themselves in the coulda, woulda, shoulda. Well maybe these folks should ferme la bouche! In simpler terms, close your mouth! The old adage of you never know what someone is going thru has great relevance here. Perhaps your life choices are embedded in your culture, upbringing, experiences, and ultimately your truth. Who is someone to intervene and interfere in that? Quite often there are casual relationships in our lives right up to strangers who run wild and free, with their mouth that is. Imposing their belief system, wannabe value add upon others. While that’s masked as helping another, truth is unsolicited life advice from an unknown source does nothing outside of the mouth spewing it to feel better about themselves. Again, ferme la bouche! 

Critics with no credentials. Leave them with their popcorn in hand and let them go on and spew their nonsense to preferably, themselves. You’re too busy building and growing into who and what you’re destined to be.

2 thoughts on “Ferme La Bouche!”

  1. Victoria DeCandia

    I have a question Carmen Queen! When we encounter these people in our lives how do we politely but diligently tell them to Ferme la Boucher? Like you said they may have good intentions but we don’t always care what they have to say.

    1. Excellent question, Victoria! While it is always nice to be nice, I think a pointed “You do you and I am going to do me” and switch the subject works well here. To your point (and mine) many folks are well intended, they just love to hear themselves speak!

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