Be You. Do You. For You.

When was the last time you had a curated experience? One that left no detail untouched and every desired outcome fulfilled? Why is it so often that we do not think of pursuing a curated experience for our one precious life? We think of it as that upcoming dinner party or resort we want to stay at. So, we wind up in unfulfilling lives, catered exactly to that and not at all to the reality of who we actually are. This book takes readers on a journey to discover what they truly want, who they truly are, and how to become everything they deserve to be.

In language that feels like the reader is sitting across the coffee shop table from a friend, we tackle these central questions and, critically, how exactly to answer them. I incorporate stories from my own life and insightful journal entries and make an impossible process feel both hugely important and immensely simple. Step-by-step guides and blueprints help readers form a mission statement and blueprint for their lives, and follow the reader as a companion through every step of their life turnaround.

In the end, the reader is transformed into who they were born to be—or at least, they’ve begun that journey. And these pages are right there with them like a friend, holding their hair back when it gets tough and holding their hand through the rest.



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